General Studies

B.S. in General Studies

This program serves three cohorts of students: it offers an entry point for freshmen who have not yet selected an academic path; it offers an exit path for students who may have encountered a significant hurdle in their traditional major, and it serves students seeking a general bachelor's degree. Traditional, on-campus students who begin college as General Studies majors will be encouraged to transfer into a traditional major, the interdisciplinary studies major, or the associate's degree program upon reaching sophomore status.

The General Studies BS degree consists of 42 credits (18 upper-division) within one of four broad categories: Humanities, Professional Studies, Social Sciences, and Sciences. All University requirements for the QEP, general education courses, and GPA must be met. In addition, all General Studies bachelor's degree graduates will complete the Capstone seminar course, UNIV 420 (1 credit hour), or departmental capstone equivalent.

General Education Requirements for all Bachelor's degrees

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Requirement

Area of Emphasis

Sub-Total credits

UNIV 420 or Discipline Specific Capstone Class

Item #
Sub-Total credits
Total credits:





Curriculum Guide