B.S. Computer Science

General Education Requirements for all Bachelor's degrees

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Requirement

In addition to the course requirements set forth below, each student seeking a B.S. in Computer Science must successfully develop and release a useful program under an open-source model.

We strongly suggest that students seeking the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science plan to take their computer science courses in the following sequence:


Bachelor of Science  
Freshman — Fall Semester CSIS 110, CSIS 125
Freshman — Spring Semester CSIS111, CSIS 225
Sophomore — Fall Semester CSIS 211, CSIS 245   
Sophomore — Spring Semester CSIS 201 CSIS 215, CSIS 265
Junior — Fall Semester CSIS 301, CSIS 360, CSIS 450
Junior — Spring Semester CSIS 375, CSIS upper-division elective
Senior — Fall Semester CSIS 315, CSIS 495
Senior — Spring Semester CSIS 490, CSIS 405
Total credits:





Curriculum Guide