Biochemistry, Chemistry and Physics


Nicholas Madhiri, Chair; Pablo Gonzalez, Jared Rice

Aims of the Chemistry Program

The aim of the chemistry program is to develop in students the ability to think critically and creatively. The chemistry curriculum is designed to provide the student with a strong background in the areas of organic chemistry, biochemistry, analytical chemistry and physical chemistry. The major will serve as a solid foundation upon which the candidate can build a professional career or a more specialized graduate program.

CHEM 105 : Survey of Chemistry

An introduction to the fundamental principles of chemistry, plus additional introductory topics from organic and biochemistry with an emphasis on human metabolism. Not applicable to major, minor, or teaching sequence. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




Appropriate mathematics placement score, high school Algebra II with grade of B or higher, or MATH 110 with a grade C or higher.

CHEM 111 : General Chemistry I

This course develops basic topics such as atomic structure, periodicity, chemical equations, chemical bonding, solutions, nomenclature, and states of matter. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




MATH 110 with a grade of C or higher, high school Algebra II with grade of B or higher, or permission of chemistry faculty, or corequisite: MATH 180 or higher.

CHEM 112 : General Chemistry II

A continuation of CHEM 111. Included are discussions of kinetics, acids, and bases, equilibrium, electrochemistry, and introduction to nuclear and organic chemistry. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




CHEM 111 with a grade of C– or higher.

CHEM 201 : Research Methods in the Physical Sciences

An introduction to the library research skills used in the physical sciences, especially chemistry. The use of primary and secondary sources including the use of on-line databases will be discussed as well as publication styles. Students will engage in activities to sharpen critical thinking. In this course, majors in the physical sciences begin the process of senior portfolio development.




CHEM 221 : Modern Analytical Chemistry

A course in which quantitative and instrumental techniques of chemical analysis are combined. Emphasis will be on developing analytical skills. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




CHEM 112 with grade of C– or higher

CHEM 231 : Organic Chemistry I

This course deals with the theory and applications of basic organic chemistry. Included is the study of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, simple aromatics, alkyl halides, alcohols, ethers, and spectroscopic methods. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




CHEM 112 with a grade of C– or higher

CHEM 232 : Organic Chemistry II

A continuation of the study of basic organic chemistry. Includes carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones, amines, heterocyclics, unsaturated carbonyl compounds, carbohydrates, phenols, glycols and epoxides. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




CHEM 231 with a grade of C– or higher

CHEM 298 : Individual Study Topics

This course offers the lower division student opportunity for independent study under the direction of a faculty member. This study may involve research, laboratory, or library work. Content and methods of study must be arranged prior to registration. May be repeated for a total of 2 credits.


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Permission of the department chair

CHEM 299 : Directed Group Study Topics

Provides academic departments an opportunity to offer courses in specialized or experimental areas, either lower or upper division, not listed in the undergraduate Bulletin.  May be repeated for a total of 3 credits.


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Approval by department chair

CHEM 341 : Physical Chemistry I

Rigorous mathematical treatment of gas laws, physical states of matter, solutions, thermodynamics, equilibrium, chemical potential, electrochemistry, and an introduction to quantum mechanics. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




CHEM 112 or equivalent with a grade of C– or higher

CHEM 342 : Physical Chemistry II

Further development of atomic and molecular quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, kinetics and reaction mechanisms, and statistical thermodynamics. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




CHEM 341 with a grade of C– or higher

CHEM 421 : Modern Analytical Instrumentation

A course in modern analytical instrumentation, including electroanalytical, spectroscopic, separations, and kinetic methods. Application of spreadsheet and computer simulation software. Laboratory emphasis. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




CHEM 221 with a grade of C– or higher or CHEM 231 with a grade of C– or higher

CHEM 431 : Biochemistry I

A course in the molecular logic of life; in particular the molecular structure, nomenclature, properties, and functions of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Properties and mechanisms of enzymes, vitamins, and co-enzymes, biological membrane structure and function, and introduction to bioenergetics.




CHEM 232 with a grade of C- or higher.


Corequisite: CHEM 432 (required for chemistry and biochemistry majors).

CHEM 432 : Biochemistry I Lab

This course is designed to accompany CHEM 431. Experiments demonstrate the theoretical principles discussed in CHEM 431, including structure, pH, and molecular interactions of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, and the specific methods of analysis associated with these molecules. Lab fee.




CHEM 433 : Biochemistry II

This course focuses on the metabolic pathways of biomolecules, accompanied by bioenergetic requirements, regulatory mechanisms and flow of genetic information. Includes photosynthesis, metabolism of amino acids, fatty acids, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins, and application of recombinant DNA. Intended for students taking chemistry as their major or minor. Also suitable for biology majors with a strong chemistry background and pre-professionals.




CHEM 431 with a grade of C– or higher.


Corequisite: CHEM 434 (required for chemistry and biochemistry majors).

CHEM 434 : Biochemistry II Lab

This course is designed to accompany CHEM 433. Emphasis will be important experimental techniques not covered in CHEM 432, including electrophoresis, adsorption chromatography, thin-layer chromatography and DNA analysis. Lab fee .




CHEM 462 : Inorganic Chemistry

A course including a study of the elements and their periodic relationships, acid-base theories, current bonding theories, coordination compounds, and other selected topics. (Offered periodically)




CHEM 341 or CHEM 112 with permission of instructor.

CHEM 475 : Research Methods in Chemistry

This course is a capstone course, designed to involve the chemistry major in the process of research, including literature searching, formation of hypotheses, and experimental design. Preparation and presentation of report, completion of portfolio. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




Either CHEM 221 or CHEM 341 with a grade of C- or higher, CHEM 232 with a grade of C- or higher, and permission of the chemistry faculty.

CHEM 498 : Individual Study Topics

The subject of study is selected by conference between the student and the chemistry faculty, and will consist mainly of independent study and/or laboratory work summarized by a comprehensive report. Content and method of study must be arranged prior to registration. May be repeated for a total of 3 credits.


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Permission of the department chair

CHEM 499 : Directed Group Study Topics

Provides academic departments an opportunity to offer courses in specialized or experimental areas, either lower or upper division, not listed in the undergraduate Bulletin.  Student may be allowed to repeat the course for credit.


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Approval by department chair

PHYS 101 : Introductory Physics

A laboratory science course for the student with no previous background in physics. A conceptual, rather than mathematical, approach is emphasized, though some arithmetic calculations are required. Topics include mechanics, heat, sound, electromagnetism, light, and modern physics. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




SAT mathematics score of at least 530 or an ACT mathematics score of at least 21 or MATH 013 with a grade of C- or higher.

PHYS 112 : Introductory Astronomy

An introductory study of the solar system; stellar structure and evolution; star clusters, galaxies, quasars, the large scale structure of the universe, and cosmology. A conceptual, rather than mathematical, approach is emphasized, though some arithmetic calculations are required. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




SAT mathematics score of at least 530 or an ACT mathematics score of at least 21 or MATH 013 with a grade of C- or higher.

PHYS 114 : Physical Science

An introductory science course covering the fundamentals of physics, chemistry, astronomy, and each science that will focus on hands-on activities and real-life applications. The course covers fundamental aspects of physical science as required by the Texas Department of Education. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




SAT mathematics score of at least 530 or an ACT mathematics score of at least 21 or MATH 013 with a grade of C- or higher.

PHYS 121 : General Physics I

An introduction to motion in one dimension, vectors in 2 and 3 dimensions, the laws of motion, work and energy, momentum and collisions, uniform circular motion, gravity, rotational equilibria and dynamics involving torque and angular momentum, solids and fluids, thermal physics and heat, thermodynamical laws, vibrations, waves, and sound. Math level is algebra and trigonometry. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




PHYS 122 : General Physics II

Topics include: electric force and electric field, electric potential, capacitance, resistance and resistivity, direct and alternating currents, Kirchhoff's Rules, Ohm's Law, magnetism and Ampere's Law, Faraday's Law, electromagnetic waves, reflection and refraction of light, mirrors and lenses, relativity, quantum physics, atomic and nuclear physics, and elementary particles. 3 Theory 1 Lab. Lab fee.




PHYS 121 with a grade of C- or higher. Continuation of PHYS 121.