Generally, college-level courses will transfer if completed with a C- grade or higher through a regionally accredited college. Because of differences in degree requirements and course content, all credits may not apply toward specific graduation requirements.  Although permission to register for off campus classes while enrolled at the University is not required, the registrar will, upon request, verify the transferability of a course offered at another institution.

  • Vocational credits may be accepted for transfer in areas of study offered by the University.
  • Developmental courses, including most English as a Second Language courses, will not be accepted for transfer credit.
  • Transfer courses from institutions using the Binary Grading System (Pass/Fail) cannot be used to replace failures or other low grades earned in residence.
  • The residency requirement for all baccalaureate degrees is that the last 36 credit hours earned prior to graduation must include 30 credit hours in residence. This requirement limits transfer credit to 6 semester hours during this time period.
  • The residency requirement for all associate degrees is that the last 15 credit hours earned prior to graduation must include 12 credit hours in residence. This requirement limits transfer credit to 3 semester hours during this time period.

Courses from a previously earned bachelor's degree will be evaluated on an individual basis to determine applicability to degree requirements. A student with a bachelor's degree from a United States, regionally accredited, post-secondary institution will be considered to have fulfilled the general education requirements with the exception of religion courses. This is also the case if a student has an associate of science degree which includes the baccalaureate general education core for a particular state higher education program.

Credit may be accepted from certain unaccredited post-secondary institutions. Students requesting transfer credit from an unaccredited school must have successfully completed a minimum of 12 semester hours with a grade point average of at least 2.00 in residence at Southwestern Adventist University. Validating examinations may be required for such transfer credits at the discretion of the Registrar.